- Our genealogy website established in 1997

On August 23, 1997 we registered the web domain "". Creating a dedicated website was the result of intense research that had been ongoing for more than five years already. The purpose of the website was to allow us to share the information we had found about the Baseggio family name and its variations.

In the initial phase, the research was conducted by Franco Baseggio, USA, and Mario de Baseggio, Switzerland. They spent the early 90ies consolidating all relevant information about the Baseggio family name, sometimes being surprised by very interesting facts and anecdotes, sometimes frustrated by the difficulties to find many needles in even manier haystacks, especially when trying to get to grips with the various sources for our branches database.

Over time their work was noticed and many people have supported our project by providing information about their closer or wider family.

In the late 90ies, Franco and Mario were joined by a man whose contribution was (and of course still is) instrumental to the project: Evaldo Bazeggio, Brazil. He was the catalyst to bring a whole different level to by filling it with life. He organised the first International Baseggio Family Reunion, an event that was very successful as it brought many cousins together who would not have met otherwise. In the last 13 years 8 reunions have taken place in total, the most recent one took place in October 2018

Franco has sadly passed away in 2007, we miss him dearly. To honour his legacy is one of the main reasons that motivates Evaldo and Mario to carry on with the project. invites you to be a part of this, if you wish. You might start by looking up your name in the Family Trees section of the website. In case you identify gaps or mistakes, your feedback would be very much appreciated!

The website will grow further, progress will be made through tedious work and new exciting discoveries lay ahead. The genealogical project will hopefully continue to connect people across continents and across generations.  

Many thanks to all who made this incredible journey possible!